I'm a fullstack web developerffuullllssttaacckk wweebb ddeevveellooppeerr based in Germany. My expertise lies deep within the Next.js ecosystemNNeexxtt..jjss eeccoossyysstteemm where I build digital experiencesddiiggiittaall eexxppeerriieenncceess that bridge functionality and user experience.
While I primarily identify as a developer, I've cultivated an eye for UI designUUII ddeessiiggnn —creating interfaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Though I wouldn't call myself a designer, I understand the principles that make digital products feel right.ffeeeell rriigghhtt..
My recent focus has been on developing AI agent systemsAAII aaggeenntt ssyysstteemmss that automate traditionally human tasks. These intelligent agentsiinntteelllliiggeenntt aaggeennttss either handle entire workflows to dramatically boost efficiency, or work alongside humans to tackle mundane tasks. This automationaauuttoommaattiioonn empowers teams to focus on what truly matters - the creative and strategic elements that machines can't replace.